Educational Support in Florida Child Support Agreements

Discover how to integrate educational support into Florida child support agreements for your child’s educational stability

When it comes to child support in Florida, education costs often spark queries and concerns. Addressing these expenses is crucial for parents drafting child support agreements. This post explores Florida statutes and how they relate to educational costs in child support agreements.

Educational Costs in Basic Child Support

Florida’s child support laws focus on a child’s basic needs, which traditionally encompass food, shelter, and clothing. Yet, education is an essential component of a child’s upbringing and warrants consideration in support agreements. The state guidelines typically outline support up to the age of 18 but don’t cover college or other post-secondary educational expenses unless the parents agree otherwise.

In Florida, the general rule is that child support doesn’t extend to cover a child’s college expenses after they graduate high school or turn 18. However, this doesn’t mean that support for college costs is completely off the table. If both parents come to an agreement during the divorce process that includes provisions for paying college expenses, this agreement can be legally enforceable.

Post-Secondary Education and Child Support

Under Florida law, there’s no automatic extension of child support for post-secondary education. However, if parents agree to share these expenses in their marital settlement, such an agreement is enforceable. These agreements can include tuition, books, room and board, transportation, and more. The specificity of these agreements can prevent future disputes and provide clear expectations. However, without such an agreement, Florida law does not obligate parents to support their children through college.

Incorporating Educational Costs into Child Support Agreements

Parents can ensure their child’s educational needs are met post-divorce by explicitly detailing their intentions in a marital settlement agreement. In Florida, a court will not order a parent to pay for college expenses unless a prior agreement exists. The terms should outline which costs are covered, their duration, and the parents’ respective contributions.

Florida Case Law on Educational Expenses

In cases where an agreement was vague and didn’t specify what ‘college expenses’ included, courts have sometimes had to step in to interpret the agreement, as in the case Fendrich v. Fendrich. In such instances, a court might need to conduct a hearing to determine the intent of the parties regarding what expenses were to be covered. Courts may be called to interpret vague terms, but clear agreements can sidestep such complications. Parents should clearly define ‘educational expenses’ to avoid ambiguity.

It’s also important to note that even though the courts can’t order parents to pay for college, they can enforce a previously made agreement that specifies that responsibility. So, if you’re in the midst of a divorce or crafting a child support agreement, and you want to ensure that college expenses are covered, it’s essential to explicitly state this in your settlement and be clear about what is included in ‘college expenses’.

Crafting an Enforceable Educational Support Agreement

To create a legally binding educational support agreement in Florida, parents should consider the child’s current and future educational needs. Consulting with a family law attorney ensures the agreement meets legal standards and reflects the parents’ intentions. A well-drafted agreement will include terms for tuition, supplies, housing, and potentially an open-ended commitment for educational support.


The key takeaway is that parents in Florida can choose to plan for their child’s college education during divorce negotiations, and they should document such arrangements in a legally binding manner. If you are considering this, consulting with an experienced family law attorney can provide you with guidance tailored to your situation.

By being proactive and detailed in drafting these agreements, parents can provide for their child’s education while navigating the legal landscape. This forward-thinking approach is essential, especially given the state’s stance on post-secondary education costs. It’s about ensuring your child’s educational needs are met while abiding by Florida law. Clear, comprehensive agreements on educational costs serve the child’s best interests and can prevent future disputes, ensuring both parents fulfill their agreed-upon financial obligations toward their child’s education.

For more information and assistance with including educational costs in your child support agreement in Florida, it is advisable to consult with a knowledgeable family law attorney who can guide you through the intricacies of Florida’s child support laws.

The legal process can get difficult, which is why we always recommend that you seek the assistance of counsel; or at least have a consultation. Schedule a consultation with one of our attorneys today to review the issues of your case, the legal options you may have, and certain rights that pertain to your unique situation.

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