Financial Disclosures in Florida Divorces: A Detailed Guide

Explore our guide on Florida Uncontested Divorce Financial Disclosures. Understand mandatory financial steps in divorce for equitable asset distribution.

Navigating a divorce in Florida involves critical financial disclosure requirements. Understanding these is essential, especially in uncontested divorces. This article outlines the mandatory steps and documents required by Florida Family Law, offering insights into how these disclosures shape the divorce process.

Mandatory Disclosure in Florida Divorces:

Florida mandates the exchange of specific financial information in divorce cases (Florida Family Law Rule 12.285). This includes tax returns, account statements, and deeds to real property. Couples must certify by notarized signature that they have disclosed all required records to the other party​​.

The Family Law Financial Affidavit:

In Florida, divorcing parties must complete a Family Law Financial Affidavit. There are two forms – short form for annual gross incomes below $50,000 and long form for higher incomes. This affidavit is fundamental in ensuring equitable asset distribution under Florida statute​​​​.

The financial affidavit must disclose income, assets, expenses, and liabilities. This includes regular income and irregular income like bonuses. Accuracy is crucial, as any attempt to hide assets or lie can lead to serious legal repercussions​​.

Filing and Serving the Financial Affidavit:

The financial affidavit must be filed with the court and served on the spouse within 45 days of the divorce petition being served. It is an essential document that guides the judge in making financial decisions regarding property division, alimony, and child support​​​​.

Addressing Uncertain Income:

Reporting uncertain income, such as bonuses or irregular earnings, requires careful consideration. Legal counsel can be invaluable in determining how to report these and their potential impact on the divorce settlement​​.

Dealing with Suspected False Disclosure:

If there’s suspicion that a spouse has lied on their affidavit or hidden assets, immediate legal advice should be sought. Concealing assets can lead to severe penalties and may impact the final divorce decree​​.

Seeking Legal Assistance:

While some might manage to complete the affidavit independently, complex financial scenarios warrant professional legal assistance. An attorney can ensure the accuracy and completeness of the affidavit. Even in simpler cases, a lawyer’s review can provide peace of mind​​.


Financial disclosures play a pivotal role in Florida uncontested divorces. They provide a transparent foundation for fair asset and debt division. Understanding and adhering to these requirements is key to a smooth divorce process.

The legal process can get difficult, which is why we always recommend that you seek the assistance of counsel; or at least have a consultation. Schedule a consultation with one of our attorneys today to review the issues of your case, the legal options you may have, and certain rights that pertain to your unique situation.

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