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Divorcing a Covert Narcissists

Covert narcissists are self-absorbed, have fantasies of grandiosity, and feel superior to others. Let’s talk about how to divorce them.

Covert narcissists are self-absorbed, have fantasies of grandiosity, and feel superior to others. Let’s talk about how to divorce them.

Divorcing a covert narcissist is a complex process. Covert narcissists, or vulnerable narcissists, often appear thin-skinned and hypersensitive. Yet, they possess a deep-seated sense of self-importance and superiority.

Understanding Covert Narcissism:

Covert narcissists appear to be very thin-skinned or vulnerable, which is why covert narcissists are also known as vulnerable narcissists. On the outside, a covert narcissist appears to be shy, submissive, and hypersensitive. However, internally they are self-absorbed, have fantasies of grandiosity, and feel superior to others.

Key Traits:

In Relationships

In romantic relationships, covert narcissists can be manipulative, exploiting their partner’s empathy. They often use guilt or self-deprecation as tactics to maintain control or garner sympathy.

Challenges in Recognizing

One of the challenges in identifying covert narcissism is their apparent vulnerability and shyness, which can mask their manipulative and self-centered traits.

Challenges in Divorce

Divorcing a covert narcissist presents unique challenges, often making the process lengthier and more emotionally draining than a typical divorce. Covert narcissists tend to extend proceedings to satisfy their need for attention and sympathy. They often adopt a victim stance, making it difficult to reach amicable agreements.

In court, a covert narcissist might manipulate facts and scenarios to gain favor, portraying themselves as wronged or mistreated. This behavior can confuse the legal process and sway the opinions of those involved, including friends, family, and sometimes even legal professionals.

You may find that a covert narcissist uses emotional manipulation, leveraging shared history or children to gain an upper hand. They might also use financial assets as leverage, creating complexities in asset division.

Furthermore, their reluctance to concede or compromise often leads to numerous court appearances and legal negotiations. This not only prolongs the process but also escalates legal expenses. The emotional toll on both parties, especially when children are involved, can be significant.

It is crucial to prepare for these challenges. Equip yourself with a strong support network and a knowledgeable attorney who understands the nuances of divorcing a covert narcissist. Staying emotionally grounded and legally prepared is key to navigating these complexities.

Legal and Emotional Strategies:

Navigating a divorce with a covert narcissist requires a dual approach, balancing both legal and emotional strategies. Legally, the first step is to partner with a divorce attorney experienced in dealing with narcissistic behaviors. Such an attorney can anticipate the tactics a covert narcissist might use and prepare effective counter-strategies. They can help in setting clear boundaries and ensuring that the legal process stays on track, free from manipulative diversions.

On the emotional front, it’s essential to build a strong personal support system. This network may include therapists or counselors who specialize in narcissistic abuse, as well as close friends and family members who understand your situation. Professional counseling can provide you with tools to cope with the emotional stress and maintain your mental health throughout the divorce process.

Communication strategies also play a significant role. It’s advisable to limit direct communication with the narcissistic partner as much as possible. When communication is necessary, keeping it brief, factual, and unemotional helps prevent manipulation and reduces stress.

Additionally, document everything. Covert narcissists may twist facts or situations to their advantage. Having a detailed record of all interactions, agreements, and incidents can be invaluable, especially in legal settings.

Finally, focus on self-care. Divorcing a covert narcissist can be a draining experience, so prioritizing your physical and emotional well-being is crucial. Engage in activities that bolster your mental health and provide a respite from the stress of the divorce


Divorcing a covert narcissist requires patience, strategy, and support. Combining these legal and emotional strategies can provide a more balanced and effective approach to navigating the complexities of divorcing a covert narcissist. Stay informed and seek expert legal and psychological advice to navigate this challenging journey.

The legal process can get difficult, which is why we always recommend that you seek the assistance of counsel; or at least have a consultation. Schedule a consultation with one of our attorneys today to review the issues of your case, the legal options you may have, and certain rights that pertain to your unique situation.

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